The mysteries of the markets can frighten the novice investor. To help him take his first steps, several sites have implemented tools to allow him to see more clearly and avoid traps. Guided tour.
The role of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers is to ensure the protection of savings invested in financial instruments, the information of investors and the proper functioning of the markets for financial instruments.
Investing in the stock market is more than just following the CAC 40 or the ups and downs of Wall Street. To understand techniques such as the different investment frameworks, recognized organizations and associations have developed websites to see more clearly.
Savings: private equity on the road to democratization
The Financial Markets Authority
The role of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is to ensure the protection of savings invested in financial instruments, the information of investors and the proper functioning of markets for financial instruments. True gendarme of finance, the authority is invested with regulatory power, of investigation and sanction with regard to the actors of the financial markets which it supervises, controls and certifies. On its site, one can find the whole changes in regulations, which are sometimes very technical, but also a space dedicated to savers with headings that allow a better understanding of financial products or knowing their rights as individual investors. A Youtube channel has also been created where the diversification techniques in stocks are detailed as well as the means to guard against scams on the Internet.
Finance for all
As underlined by its signature ‘‘Finance for All’’, the Institute for Public Financial Education (IEFP) is aimed at all audiences: children, young people, adults, working people, and retirees. The information that is offered includes the key questions of personal finance (budget, savings, investment, stock market, etc.). Recognized association of general interest, it was created to foster and promote the financial culture of the French.
The neophyte will find all the information he needs on this educational site. In its section dedicated to investments, there are for example answers to ‘‘key questions before investing’’ such as ‘‘what precautions to take’’ or ‘‘what is an action?’’
The Federation of Individual Investors and Investment Clubs (F2iC)
The F2iC is a liaison instrument for individuals who wish to train and learn about the stock market, alone or by participating in a club. It provides them with a certain number of educational materials allowing them to learn about the financial markets and the formula of the investment club, it’s legal, accounting and financial functioning.
In its ‘‘Pedagogy’’ section, its lexicon of the stock market or articles like ‘‘why and how to invest instead of speculating?’’ Are very useful for giving yourself a framework and principles for taking your first steps in Dung.